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Sunday, October 7, 2012


Voki is an application that creates speaking avatars. Voki is a tool that can be very useful to teachers as it can motivate students to learn, improve message comprehension and make learning fun! To create a Voki, you first have to either create a customized avator or pick one from a large variety ranging from animals to holiday figures such as a pumpkin. After the avator is chosen or made, a voice is added once again through various methods. A voice can be added by recording, uploading or typing in what you wish your character to say. Once the voki is created, it can be shared or posted to any blog, website or profile.
            The grade level that I think voki would be appropriate for is between 4th-5th grade. Creating a voki requires the knowledge of spelling and sentence structure. Also, the user will need to be able to read and follow directions while navigating through the various steps to create a voki.
            The application voki could be beneficial to both teachers and students. Teachers could create a voki to get information across to their students in various subjects. Having an animated character opposed to a teacher teach to students will keep them much more engaged and interested.  A voki character could be used to simply tell students directions or teach a small lesson in addition to instruction given by the teacher. Students could create a voki for a project to present information to their class. When creating a voki, students will feel they have more freedom with the many different options voki provides. A possible lesson that could be taught using voki is the students could read a book such as Hatchet and pick a character to portray trough a voki character. They could then have the voki character describe how they felt throughout the novel.

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