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Monday, October 8, 2012


The application Chogger is used to draw your own comics, caption photos, take webcam pictures and add speech bubbles to them and much more! Once you make a chogger you can share it for others to view, read and comment on or you can choose to make it private.  To make a chogger comic you can either draw it free hand or upload pictures into the comic. Drawing a comic free hand is very difficult and definitely requires some artistic ability while uploading pictures is also challenging.
            While I was making my chogger comic, I found there to be many problems. First, you cannot adjust the size of the image until it is added to the comic. This makes the comic making process a lot longer than it needs to be. Second, there were many errors with the chogger website that did not allow me to upload images for my comic. Once I finally completed my comic, and wanted to upload it, chogger once again came back with an error causing my whole comic to be lost. Overall, chogger is a very unreliable application. If this application were to be used in the classroom, it would be appropriate for 5th grade students, although I would not recommend it. Using this application in any classroom would be frustrating to both the students and the teacher due its high sensitivity and time consumption.
            If a teacher did want to give this application a try, it could be used in various subjects. In math, a teacher could draw out a simple addition or subtraction math problem using picture. Or, in history, a teacher could illustrate a scene from any war. A student could also use this application to illustrate their understanding in any subject. 

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