GoAmimate is a free program to
create animate videos. The videos can be created for school, business or just
for fun! Once you create an account on Go Animate, there are a variety of
options for creating a video. You can create a video to a specific topic such
as the presidential election or a specific theme such as outer space. Or, you
can create a video completely on your own.
I found this program to be very easy to use and navigate
through. When making your first video, pop-up windows and arrows guide you
through every step. This allows the user to get a feel for the program and all
the options that are available. Once the video is created, it is very easy to
go back to it any make any changes you may wish. For each video, the creator is
able to choose the background, the characters, the characters voice, speech and
actions along with many other smaller aspects entailed in each video.
This application would be helpful
to both teachers and students. For teachers, it is a helpful and fun way to get
information across to students. Presenting it in a fun video will keep the
students engaged and interested. The students could also make a video to relay
on information to show they understand concepts taught by the teacher. An
appropriate age to use this application would be 4th grade. Although
this application is very easy to use, skills such as spelling and computer
navigation skills are needed. Using a fun program such as GoAnimate will make
the student motivated and excited to work and pay attention in school. This
program could be used in all subjects ranging from social studies to math as
there is so much variation and personalization available.
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